

Church of Santa Maria della Pace

Among the places of Catholic worship that are most famous and appreciated in the Eternal City, we certainly find the church of Santa Maria della Pace. A structure that is located in the middle of the homonymous square, which is located in the Ponte district, which is really a few minutes from Piazza Navona, where our Eitch Borromini is located.

A church that was built on land where there was a chapel that was dedicated to Sant’Andrea de Acquaricariis ". It was the year 1482 and, in relation to a vow that was made by Pope Sixtus IV in relation to the foundations of the chapel. Well, precisely in that place a church was erected that would have paid homage to Mary, with the aim of preserving the memory of a miraculous event, linked to the fact that an image relating to the Virgin Mother would have lost blood in that very place.

Pope Sixtus IV was so shocked by the event and decided to take a very special vow. That is, if the Pazzi conspiracy, in which he had a series of ties, had not dragged into a war, as many were worried, he would have built a church of important dimensions on that land, in homage to the cult of the Madonna. To date, no one is aware of certain sources about the author of this church, although more insiders agree in restricting the "list of eligible candidates" to two names, namely Baccio Pontelli and Meo del Caprino, although they may have even collaborated in the construction of this church.

Moving on a century further, several renovations were carried out. Specifically, various changes were made, such as the volume of the church, but also the tribune and the main altar. An investment that was entirely financed by the Rivaldi family who, thanks to these substantial financial aid, were able to secure a large sepulchral crypt located right at the foot of the altar.

The church of Santa Maria della Pace is waiting to be discovered, as well as any other beauty housed in Rome. And the best time, even if we are in full pandemic, is this, since you can visit all the monuments and historical places with great calm, without the crowds resulting from the usual crowd of tourists.

To find the church of Santa Maria della Pace, leave our building, walk along Via di Tor Millina until you reach Via della Pace, turn right and… admire this 15th century masterpiece in all its beauty.

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